1. They don't know what summit they're climbing.
Is it the summit to fat loss?
Is it the summit of a wife and kids?
Is it a summit for business?
A combination of all?
There are thousands of summits they can choose, but they don't know which one they're climbing.
We need to find what is the summit to them.
What do they truly want to achieve in life?
What is their big vision? What is their legacy?
We can't reach the top if we don't know where the top is, what it looks like, if we don't know anything about it
We need crystal clear clarity
Without it, we don't reach the summit - or worse, we reach the wrong summit
All that blood, sweat and tears, and we feel empty at the top
2. They Don't Have A Compass
The compass tells us if we're heading in the right direction in life. This represents our values - the things that are important to us. Family, friends, wealth, time, freedom, flexibility - what matters to YOU
And what do you want to keep in your life as you climb?
If you don't have these mapped out, you can summit. But you will reach the wrong summit
3. They Don't Have A Map
They don't have a plan for how they need to prime their energy, laser in their focus, peak their body or peak their mind in order to summit.
They're going on the biggest climb of their life, without a single detail of how they're going to make it happen
Should we climb Mt Everest without preparation? Of course we shouldn't.
That would be insane.
So why should we climb for our lifelong vision without preparation?
4. They Don't Have A Guide
No one to point them to the summit.
No one to show them how to read their map or compass.
No one to help them get more energy when their energy is low, or bring back focus when they're distracted, or get them back on track when they're lost
If you want to climb that mountain, you're going to need 4 things;
1. Clear vision of your summit
2. A map of where you're going
3. A compass so you're following the map correctly
4. Support to keep you on track at all times